qobeo : for heating and cooling industrial processes

Cutting down real experiments with simulation

In a context of global industry decarbonization, qobeo helps in cutting down real trials and testing by doing virtual experiments.

Optimizing heating & cooling process

qobeo is a 3D CFD (Finite Element Method) software aimed at the simulation of industrial processes for heating and cooling (among them : furnaces, quenching tanks…). The target is thus to analyze the temperature evolution into complex installations and compute the workpiece behavior.

for improving the process conditions, the heating/cooling time of complex workpieces geometry… allowing then the optimization of the final thermo-metallurgic properties of the workpiece and the process

quenching gears

qobeo simulates the cooling of 9 hot gears placed on a grid.
Their initial temperature is 800°C
Air is pulsed at a temperature of 20°C from the upper part of the domain.

As complex thermo-mechanical phenomena, radiation, natural and forced convection are considered in this simulation.

As a result, we can clearly see that the faster cooling zones are in the center of the gears group. Moreover, the inner radiation of the workpieces do slow-down the cooling.
Cooling is slower on the outer part of the workpieces set.
Cooling speed is thus much more heterogeneous on the outside gears.

heating INDUSTRIAL INGOTS in a gas furnace

qobeo is also able to do the modeling of gas furnaces.
In this configuration, 4 ingots are heated by 10 burners set at the bottom of the furnace.
A closed door is considered on the back of the furnace.

16 hours of process are simulated, until the temperature at the center of the ingots reaches an equilibrium.
We see that the part of ingots set in front of the furnace walls heat up faster, because of the recirculation of hot gas (which is directed towards the wall by the burners) and thanks to radiation phenomena (between the furnace wall and the ingot).

Such simulation helps in saving time and money by proceeding to a virtual analysis of a long time process.

heating INDUSTRIAL INGOTS in an electric furnace

qobeo does simulate electric furnaces. In this application, a furnace with 4 industrial ingots are considered.

The furnace is heated by 3 electric resistance on the wall.
The impact of a back-door is taken into account on the ingot heating speed.
Radiation between the ingots and between walls/ingots is also computed.

16 hours of process are simulated, until the temperature at the center of the ingots reaches an equilibrium.
qobeo allows to identify the heterogeneity in the cooling speed. In this specific case, we see on the back view that the external part of the ingots requests more time for reaching the highest temperature.
Indeed, the core of the ingots is already at ~900/1000°C whereas the external cylinder longer remains in the red range of [500;700]°C.

qobeo for electric furnace is quite adapted to compute complex configurations with industrial workpieces.

CPU Heating up: what happens without airflow?

qobeo here simulates the functioning of a computer CPU.

The CPU heating is modelized by an eletric resistance of 35 W placed under the CPU cooler. 15 minutes of functioning are simulated in this case. In this case, we only consider the heat generated by the CPU functioning.

We can clearly see here :

  • the velocity fields going up generated by the natural convection through the opening
  • the bottom of the CPU is quickly heating up and it turns yellow/white reaching more than 110°C
CPU heating up: What if we use a cooling fan?

qobeo here simulates the functioning of a computer CPU.

The CPU heating is modelized by an eletric resistance of 35 W placed under the CPU cooler. 15 minutes of functioning are simulated in this case. This time, a fan (located just above the cooler) helps in clearing out the heat generated by the CPU (resistance).

This airing is simply modeled by a turbine, injecting air acting as a forced convection (1m/s) towards the CPU. We can clearly see :

  • the turbulent flow is much more important due to the impact of the active fan (velocity fields are strongly impacted by the direction imposed by the turbine)
  • the cooling of the CPU is much more efficient as it longer stays in the dark color (range of 50°C)

Taking advantage of its high scalability, qobeo is now available as cloud computation mode. For speeding up your computation and making the data transfer even more secured, Qarnot is our exclusive provider of cloud computing power.

More IT, less energy, low carbon


Qobeo has been designed by the experiments of industrials, the support of the CEMEF Mines ParisTech School for the numerical development and supported by the ANR. Moreover, ambitious research programs such as the INFinity industrial chair (driven by the Pr. Elie HACHEM, from the CEMEF Mines ParisTech) continuously feed the qobeo software for reaching the level of accuracy and exigency required by the industrial applications.